
The aim of our price transparency is to ensure our clients have the information they need to understand what our fees may be.<\/h3>\n

From 6th December 2018, we are required by our regulator, the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA), requires to publish transparent pricing in certain areas of law in which we deliver legal services.<\/p>\n

Please note that these figures may however vary in cases with particular complexities. That is why will always give you a cost estimate based on your individual transaction that takes into account the particular features of your transaction. The prices quoted on our website will not be binding as separate and personalised quotes and estimates will be provided to clients once they are formally engaged and provided with a Client Care Letter and Terms and Conditions of Business. The rate of VAT is currently 20%.<\/p>\n

If any unexpected complications arise that may have an impact on our fees, we will inform you of this and will always discuss with you the potential consequences before you incur any additional fees.<\/p>\n

A copy of the SRA\u2019s Transparency Rules can be found here:<\/p>\n



Estate Administration <\/span><\/span><\/span><\/p>

Uncontested collection and distribution of money, property and other assets in a deceased estate located in the UK<\/p>\n
